Monday, 29 October 2012

Hello Sun! Goodbye Bugs!

Whether you are planning a corporate retreat in the sun or a destination wedding these little Custom Sun & Bug Kits allow you to customize the labels and show your employees/friends that you don't want to see them going home with sun burns and bug bites!

 4 products in a re-usable clear vinyl case.
 1oz. SPF15/ Suncare Formula 15 Lotion
1oz. After Sun Aloe Lotion
1oz. Natural Insect Repellent
SPF15/Suncare Formula 15 Lip Balm ( Organic non flavor Aloe formula)

All Products are Made in the USA. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Be a smarty-pants with seasonal marketing this year !


              We have all seen large department stores "cashing-in" on seasonal marketing but seasonal marketing can also be used by smaller businesses and on-line businesses.
  Seasonal marketing can be a thoughtful gesture that helps build relationships with your clients. Maybe part of your seasonal marketing campaign involves a useful list to help get your clients through the holidays ... or some other information they might find valuable/helpful. Read more about that here.

Plan in advance at least 15 days before your target seasonal holiday. However - add more time on if you plan to order new items which will be part of your seasonal campaign.

Stick to a simple plan - don't try to throw everything into one add campaign! Make it a  simple and clear message that is easy enough for people to remember and interesting enough that people will repeat.

Don't forget that you can encourage use of your services and encourage sales of your products by offering something for free ( like lip balm with your logo on it ) . Doing this can help make for a very focused and fun marketing campaign.

If you already give an item away to your clients consider changing it with the season to keep your client interested. For example, if you already give away lip balm - consider changing the flavours or packaging  2-4 times a year. In the fall you could offer glow-in-the-dark lip balm sticks leading up to Halloween and maybe add some halloween graphics to your label.

GET MORE TIPs on seasonal marketing from: Five Ways to Succeed with a Seasonal Marketing Campaign for Your Small Business