Monday, 5 March 2012

Run with Porter - Promoting a Fundraiser

Run with Porter successfully uses promotional products such as sweaters and lip balm branded with their logo to raise funds, raise awareness of their cause and support their awesome annual running event.

4  things we can learn 
from Run with Porter’s approach to fundraising and promotion:

1. Build a Strong Identity
The Run with Porter Seedling Foundation was formed to create a fund to honour the love of our boy who passed away at six months of age, while supporting Manitoba charities that combine the elements of children with nature.  As Porter was not gifted the experience of running through the woods, we have brought our families and our community together to do just that.

2. Ensure Solid Fundraising

Our approach to fundraising is to try our best to connect with businesses who share our philosophy of protecting our environment. 
More often than not we have experienced that such a philosophy is not a priority of larger companies, yet have been overwhelmed with how so many smaller organizations strive to make green choices or offer green options, such as Promo Lip Balm, and such companies are usually the most supportive.

3. Be Resourceful in Distribution and Promotion

Lululemon Athletica, one of our major supporters, allows our team to set up a display table in their store on Saturdays in April.  We sell our Run with Porter Promo Lip Balm right there in the middle of the store, using the lip balm as the catalyst of many conversations about our event. 
It is a product that everyone wants, so people feel comfortable approaching our table and supporting us.  And because the lip balm is organic, this further continues our eco-friendly theme and conversation. 
The lip balm was sold at Donwood Elementary School, last year's grant recipient, for students to purchase during lunch hours.  Moksha Yoga, another major sponsor, sold them easily at the front of their counter.  We also sell the lip balm on race day - always a success!

4. Promotional Lip Balm  People want to make the right choice of organic, and the purchase of the lip balm is an easy step along continuing an eco-friendly journey.  Our events logo is featured on all tubes, allowing people to be reminded of who we are throughout even our cold winters here on the prairie!  

Because so many people use lip balm, it is a non-threatening sell, people don't feel awkward in asking questions: they know what it is, they want some, it's eco-friendly AND supporting a good cause. 

Everyone feels good about the purchase/donation!
All monies from our sales goes to our foundation.